in Miami
Miami Parking Authority (MPA) tasked the MRD team to create a marketing communication campaign to increase PayByPhone’s utilization rate in Miami from approximately 23 to 40 percent or higher within a year. PayByPhone (PBP) is a global mobile app that allows users to pay for parking. As technology revolutionized the digital parking space in the U.S. and worldwide, MPA executives simultaneously prepared for upcoming trends, ever-changing consumer attitudes, and the impact of this evolution on the industry.
To position PBP as the premier parking payment option in Miami.
Tactical Implementation:
The team strategically integrated the tactics across multiple communication functions, including media outreach, special events, partnership development, brand awareness, stakeholder engagement, and thought leadership.
Strategic Approach:
The communication program comprised stakeholder engagement, media outreach, crisis communication, event management, and influencer relations.
Within three months of the campaign, the numbers began to climb. Therefore, MPA continued to raise the goal of PBP utilization, peaking in December 2017 when Miami reached the unprecedented milestone of 500,000 transactions in a single month. At that point, Miami became the leading municipality in North America regarding the volume of PBP transactions. The utilization rate in Miami stands at 98%.

Perry’s Steakhouse and Grille
MRD was retained by Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille to garner media coverage and organize a series of media and opening events to launch the first of its restaurants in Coral Gables at the Shops at Merrick Park.
The Perry family opened its first restaurant in 1979, and it has since become the country’s premier, award-winning steakhouse, known for its unique seven-finger high pork chop and signature sauces and cocktails. With locations in Coral Gables, Denver, Chicago, Nashville, Perry’s is synonymous with quality and innovation in the culinary world in Birmingham, Raleigh, across Texas, and beyond.
Strategic Approach:
The approach was meticulously crafted to engage community influentials and the media by spotlighting the unique attributes the steakhouse is known for, such as its delectable seven-finger high pork chop and distinctive sauces and cocktails. The communication program comprised stakeholder engagement, media outreach, crisis communication, event management, and influence relations.
Tactical Implementation:
Perry’s was introduced to the local media at an event at the restaurant a few days before opening. The campaign's cornerstone was the opening night celebration, during which invited guests tasted various dishes and beverages.
The opening was a resounding success, attracting media coverage from The Miami Herald, South Florida Business Journal, Brickell Magazine, NBC6, Diario Las Americas, Eventos magazine, and a host of influential restaurant/food bloggers, among many others.

Florida Department of Transportation
Southwest 8th Street, also named Calle Ocho, was in critical need of reconstruction. To that end, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) began designing the road. However, the project faced public opposition from businesses that feared loss of revenue during construction. To that end, the FDOT issued a Request for Proposals to engage the public in the decision. MRD Consulting was competitively awarded the contract.
Create awareness of the critical need to reconstruct the road.
Assess public acceptance for roadway reconstruction.
Strategic Approach:
The strategic approach was to build trust with a wide range of stakeholders invited to join a citizen advisory committee (CAC) to have a voice in the decision-making process. The CAC comprised businesses along Calle Ocho, neighbors, civic groups, and public elected officials. The purpose was to build consensus and allow stakeholders to have input into the decision-making process. The communication program comprised stakeholder engagement, media outreach, crisis communication, event management, and influencer relations.
With the community's strong support, the project was completed four months ahead of schedule. MRD Consulting received the Silver Anvil Award of Excellence for Community Relations in Government for the Calle Ocho project. This honor, symbolizing the forging of public opinion, is awarded annually by the Public Relations Society of America to public relations practitioners who have excelled in the four principal areas of the field: research, planning, execution, and evaluation.

The Rouse Company
The Rouse Company (Rouse), a leading shopping center developer, was competitively selected to redevelop the city of Coral Gables equipment yard. Rouse proposed a mixed-use development comprising retail, office space, condos, and a 4.5-acre park, all in keeping with the character and architecture of Coral Gables. However, the project faced opposition almost from the start, and citizens collected signatures to put a citywide referendum on the use of public lands on the ballot.
The Rouse Company retained MRD to provide public relations services supporting the project.
Win approval to build the project.
Strategic Approach:
Coral Gables residents take pride in the character and charm of their surroundings, which contribute to their high quality of life. To that end, the public relations campaign highlighted the project's top-quality attributes and The Rouse Company's track record of excellence in all its developments.
Tactical Implementation:
The campaign included media outreach, crisis communication, stakeholder and influential relations, brand awareness, and special events.
The city of Coral Gables won the public referendum, allowing the City Commission to approve the project. Merrick Park was built on time with public consensus. The opening received multiple media impressions from the consumer, financial, trade, lifestyle, real estate, and entertainment media.

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) developed a strategy that highlighted the need to improve pesticide safety for " at-risk” audiences. Communities are at risk if they have a higher-than-average exposure to pesticides and incidence of pesticide poisonings. Some at-risk communities may include Spanish-speaking populations. Many Hispanics/Latinos are engaged in occupations that may expose them to pesticides.
Raise public awareness to minimize the risk of pesticide poisonings among Hispanics/Latinos.
Strategic Approach:
The approach used Spanish-language broadcast, print, and digital media to communicate prevention messages during health observances. Research shows that Hispanics/Latinos are avid media consumers, primarily broadcast and social media.
Tactical Implementation:
The Spanish-language media campaign included national, international, and local programs on TV and radio programs, newspaper articles, and digital media. Some health observances highlighted during this program included National Poison Prevention Week, National Asthma Awareness Month, National Mosquito Awareness Week, and Children’s Health Month.
The media campaign reached over 500 million Hispanics/Latinos across multiple platforms. Highlights included six national and international
early-morning newscasts, the top 10 Spanish-language newspapers in the U.S., and interviews on Spanish-language radio.